Volume 7 of the Tradivox series contains the most authoritative Catholic catechism ever composed: the Catechism of the Council of Trent.

In the nearly five centuries since its publication, this text has been known by many names, perhaps most commonly as the Roman Catechism. Partly in answer to the expanding errors of the Protestant Revolt, this catechism was composed by order of one of the greatest ecumenical councils in history, the Council of Trent (1545ï¿1/2ï¿1/2ï¿1/21563). Written especially for priests, the text was authored by a team of the Church's most eminent theologians under the personal direction of the great Saint Charles Borromeo, patron of bishops and catechists. When completed, it was promulgated in 1566 as the first universal catechism in Church history, by Pope Saint Pius V, the great Pontiff of the Counter-Reformation. It was subsequently praised and repeatedly required for priestly formation, by popes and council

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