Prayer is a powerful spiritual weapon. And the Yada Yadas are about to learn just how strong it really is.

The women of the Chicago-born Yada Yada Prayer Group have developed a strong sisterly bond. They’ve had a wild year full of joy, sorrow, and a healthy dose of laughter. Lots of laughter.

But just when life gets comfortable, things get shaken up. The sisters don’t expect trouble to crop up so soon after the exuberant wedding of Yada Yada member Avis Johnson. But it happens, and sorrow meets their joy head–on.

It’s the kind of sorrow that shakes up their whole town, their whole group, their lives. And it’s not just sorrow—it’s fear and hate and a whole lot of tension. A white supremacy hate group targets a local university and viciously attacks Nony’s husband, barely sparing his life.

With their loved one balancing between life and death, the mismatched sisters get tough—really tough—and their prayer group becomes much more than just a Bible study. It becomes a lifeline.

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Who Do I Lean On?
Neta Jackson
June 2010

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