No Old Testament book has exerted a greater influence on the formation of both Jewish and Christian thought and practice than Deuteronomy. It presents the final message of Moses to the people of Israel, providing foundational theology for the rest of Scripture. When we read Deuteronomy today, we hear Moses address us as a future generation of the covenant people of God. The challenges and needs faced by the Israelites still resonate with believers in every new era. Raymond Brown's The Message of Deuteronomy guides Christians to hear and appreciate the timeless relevance of this ancient message. Brown's compilation of historical and biblical background complements his even-handed, insightful commentary while maintaining a readable style. Uncover the choice between blessings and curses, life and death laid out in Deuteronomy. This revised edition of a classic Bible Speaks Today volume features lightly updated language, current NIV Scripture quotations, and a new interior design.

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