Next to the period of Our Lordâ (TM)s earthly life, the apostolic age that followed was the richest and most revealing for Christians. It was then that the blueprint for living the Gospels was drawn. Abbe Fouard gives us a brilliant factual account of these early years of Christianity.

Peter and the other Apostles seem to stand before us as living men. With Abbe Fouard we follow them as they descend the Mount of Olives to re-enter the Supper-Room, where with Mary they persevered in prayer until the Holy Spirit came. Afterwards we see how he to whom Jesus had said, â ~Feed my lambs, feed my sheep, â (TM) took the position of leader, the Holy Ghost first speaking by his mouth.

We wish that more Church historians knew how to bring out our religion as a living thing....Conviction is being overthrown to give place to doubt, and the remedy is knowledge of religion as God gave it to man through the channels which He appointed for its extension. Abbe Fouardâ (TM)s book will help to make t

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