Art West is enjoying his new life in North Carolina when he gets a phone call from his old friend and classmate and fellow archaeologist, Charlie. It seems a major discovery has been made at a dig at the back of the Vatican property--the tomb of Andronicus and Junia, apostles of the Lord, and other Jewish Christians as well. Charlie is in over his head, and calls in Art for help. What will the Catholic hierarchy make of the evidence of a female apostle right under their own territory? Why has the press suspected the Vatican of trying to bury its Jewish past? Set in Rome and other Italian venues, this novel explores the evidence for women as apostles and leaders in early Christianity, and various interesting aspects of Roman culture--including the famous graffiti artists. Once again Art West and his friends Grace and Khalil are called in to interpret Christian history, this time for the Pope. As the novel demonstrates, Christian history is always full of amazing and interesting surprises.

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