This book is about the location of biblical Mount Sinai. It differs from all previous works about Mount Sinai in that the research and methodology is wholly focused on the Bible text, what the Bible has to say about Mount Sinai, the physical realities that would have impacted on the Israelites that followed Moses, and what archaeology has revealed to date. Those realities influenced: the rate of travel from Egypt to Mount Sinai, route of travel, the distance traveled, the impact of the physical condition of the people and the animals that went with them, and the logistics involved. Most written works about Mount Sinai do not offer evidence from the biblical text supporting their conclusions and those that do often only cite the Bible in passing. This book holds that the historical accuracy, inerrancy, and authority of the Bible are without question. The Exodus happened and the Israelite people were freed from bondage and followed the leadership of Moses to Mount Sinai and beyond. This book focuses on the evidence and physical realities without the introduction of personal agendas or biases. The book pieces together the three-dimensional puzzle recognized as Mount Sinai in the Exodus and identifies where Mount Sinai is located based on the evidence presented throughout.

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