The preaching ministries of John Wesley and George Whitefield propelled them to the forefront of the eighteenth-century evangelical revival. Both self-professed ""men of one book,"" one of the most visible ways in which they expressed their high regard for Scripture was through their desire to be ""preachers of one book."" This book seeks to compare various aspects of the full-orbed ""preach and print"" ministries conducted by Wesley and Whitefield. Committed to the principle that the ""whole world was their parish,"" Wesley and Whitefield manifested their singular desire to be men of one book through preaching ministries that were by no means identical, yet equally committed to the spread of the gospel throughout the transatlantic world. ""A wonderful comparative treatment of the two most dominant preachers of the first Great Awakening. Maddock is equally sure-footed working meticulously through the voluminous manuscript sermons of Wesley and Whitefield as in painting the details of their complex and interwoven leadership of the evangelical revivals. There is no other work that so faithfully renders portraits of these two on their own terms as well as in relation to each other."" -Richard Lints Andrew Mutch Distinguished Professor of Theology Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary ""A very helpful, scholarly, and sure guide to the contrasting ministries of George Whitefield and John Wesley. Maddock points to where they agree, disabuses various myths, and is equally clear with where the record suggests they parted ways. This book will be a valuable resource for anyone who wishes to delve into the life and practice of those preeminent eighteenth-century evangelical leaders, Wesley and Whitefield."" -Joshua W. Moody Senior Pastor College Church in Wheaton Dr. Ian Maddock is Lecturer in Theology at Sydney Missionary and Bible College, and received his PhD from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland

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