Faith is the only means by which the invisible is made tangible. It therefore forms the basis of the believer's relationship and association with God because He is unseen. The believer's conflict arises because he must somehow learn to "look beyond what he can see." Wavering faith is tantamount to calling God a liar, and deeming Him untrustworthy. The believer must therefore be convinced that his God cannot lie, in order to remove doubt and strengthen his faith. God's inability to lie has more to do with the creative power of His words than His righteousness. Faith is perfected by action; it dies of loneliness if not accompanied by works. Faith is to the spiritual realm what money is to the natural realm; faith is therefore the currency of the Kingdom of God. This fact therefore results in a redefinition of the concept of wealth. Abraham and his seed were predestined by God as the only recipients of blessings from God on the earth. Direct descendants of Abraham are blessed because of their lineage, while Non-Jews are blessed because of their faith whereby they were adopted as the seed of Abraham and made heirs of the promises of God. This book will undoubtedly increase your faith and facilitate your transition into the abundant life that Jesus Christ came to make available to His believers.

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