Christian couples have been transformed around the globe to better grasp what the Creator of Marriage had in mind for families, through the special Ministry of Vicky and Roger. This book, thoroughly anchored by the Bible, social research and other credible sources, does not focus only on what occurs between the husband and the wife, but provides the full scope of how marriage affects the nuclear family unit of children and relatives as well as our society; and, when viewed across the seven Marriage laws as revealed through the Scriptures, it presents that we not only have a responsibility toward Christ, ourselves and our spouses, but toward all in contact with us, to have spiritually healthy marriages. The root change-trigger of the snowball effect that rolled into the bounty of eye-openers contained in this unique, handy troubleshooting tool for all marriages-is the deep, intense revelation of what the Creator said, while He was still marveling at the perfection of His Creation: "The two shall become one flesh" And just like the authors say so well, "What better place to make that golden proclamation than in the blending of their names?"

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