Keen to make your church relevant to Millennials? Then put this book down immediately. Vagabonding: In Defense and Praise of Millennial Faith is not that book. If, instead, you are interested in forging meaningful relationships and building the future church alongside the Millennial generation, come on in. Learn how the patterns of communication, social justice, missiology, and faith popping up with Millennials echo patterns of the early church disciples. Through this text, we'll explore the ways in which the institutional church and Millennials can learn a great deal from each other, and enter into those relationships on a central creed of Christianity: Fear not! ""Not your typical 'how-to' handbook, Vagabonding is a bold declaration of 'the gospel according to Millennials' delivered with both prophetic passion and pastoral compassion. Writing as both minister and Millennial, Lyter Bright invites and challenges the church she loves to be turned inside-out and upside-down by the radical grace of Christ. Vagabonding demands that it not merely be read, but engaged, discussed, and applied in partnership with Millennials themselves."" --Dan Saperstein, Executive Presbyter, Presbytery of Lake Huron, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) ""As a pastor and aging Boomer, I needed this book! Vagabonding is an exceptional look at the challenges and responses of the Millenial generation as they seek to live out Christ's call in their lives and in the world. This isn't about 'old vs. new' nor 'us vs. them, ' but rather a necessary quest to understand and embrace what makes Millenials tick and what they have to offer to the church now and in the future. Millenials have grown up in a world of exploding technology that both limits and expands the world. They live an increasingly transitory lifestyle, yet because of this deeply long to connect, for as brief a time as that might be. Above all, they seek to be faithful to Christ's example of 'turning the tables' and not being satisfied with the status quo while keeping a hope-filled mindset. Millenials are both integral to today's church and essential for its survival. Lyter Bright's erudite text and captivating writing, backed by her elucidations of biblical texts, is a must-read for all the generations. Invite a friend, a book group, a congregation to read this book together, and as the author suggests, let it nudge you into engaging with and challenging one another as Jesus called us to do."" --Kathleen Long Bostrom, award winning pastor and writer and best-selling author Laurie Lyter Bright is a Presbyterian pastor, a doctoral student in education sciences, and Executive Director of Pilgrims of Ibillin. This is her first book.

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