Written by English author and philosopher, Aldous Huxley, These Barren Leaves is a satirical novel that makes witty, but dangerously sharp social criticism on the cultural elite. In this lively portrait of aristocracy, a group of socialites are gathered in an Italian palace by Mrs. Aldwinkle, a socially ambitious widow, in order to experience the glories of the Renaissance once more. Her entourage, comprised of sad and suffering individuals who only know how to conversate about their superficial lives, cannot live up to Mrs. Aldwinkle's expectations. As Mrs. Aldwinkle strips away these comical characters' pretensions, and perhaps some of her own, readers will find the truth behind the glamorous façade of what it means to be part of the socially elite. Huxley's extensive background in English literature and poetry only serves to make These Barren Leaves a lyrical masterpiece that, to this day, criticizes those at the top of the cultural food chain.

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