For fans of One Italian Summer, Things I Wish I Told My Mother is a book club selection for the ages. A mother and daughter unpack a lifetime's secrets while on vacation in Paris.

Every daughter has her own distinctive voice, her inimitable style, and her secrets.

Laurie Ormson is an artist, a collector of experiences. She travels the world with a worn beige duffel bag.

Every mother has her own distinctive voice, her inimitable style, and her secrets.

Laurie's mother is the famous "Dr. Liz." An elegant perfectionist. She travels the world with a matched set of suitcases.

When Laurie invites her mother on a trip to Paris and Norway, she sees an unexpected sparkle in her mother's eyes. So begins Things I Wish I Told My Mother. You will wish this novel never ends.

Laurie and Dr. Liz are the female version of The Odd Couple.

Authors Susan Patterson and Susan DiLallo were inspired to write their moving novel by the shared experience of beloved mothers who lived into their nineties then died in the same year. Their co-author, James Patterson, was usually around to fetch coffee, tea, and sandwiches while the two Susans wrote.

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