The Field Guide for Small Group Leaders provides basic training and support to help small group leaders succeed in the critical mission of leading others toward spiritual growth and transformation.

The premise of serving as a small group leader sounds simple: Invite people to join you in studying the Bible. But the real-world implications of that role are incredibly complex. Today's small group leaders are asked to function as semi-experts in theology, psychology, evangelism, worship, apologetics, counseling, education, and nutrition--all in service to God and His church. Most of today's group leaders receive little or no training on how to carry out this important work. They are told to "Go and make disciples," then left to figure out the details on their own.

Sam O'Neal (a small group leader himself), wrote The Field Guide for Small Group Leaders to help fellow leaders navigate this confusion and map out a plan for successful, transformational, and rewarding meetings. The Field Guide provides helpful information on:

  • Curriculum and planning.
  • Learning styles.
  • Icebreakers and learning activities.
  • Crafting discussion questions.
  • Worship and prayer.
  • What to do when things don't go as planned.
  • And more.

Whether you lead a small group, life group, or Sunday school class, this guide will give you confidence and practical tools for fostering meaningful connections, genuine community, and spiritual growth that so many are desperate for.

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