Come take a faith walk with me. This book is meant to be simple, but profound. My prayer is that someone reading this book will better understand their own journey. It's an adventure, a trip that is designed especially for you by the very one who created the universe. Miracles and dreams are still happening today. Walk it out by Faith, which is a firm belief in something for which there is no proof, complete confidence, or given with strong assurance: Binding. Life with Christ is just that!! Binding-- a contract for life. Hold on, sometimes the ride is up the mountain and down the other side. Sometimes it is like sailing on the calm open sea, or like taking a bumpy ride in an old wagon. We all spend eternity somewhere; why not make the right choice. Remember we get to make the choice; God has left that up to us. Joyce Michal has devoted her past 16 years to other people's needs. Her entrepreneur spirit has directed her how to do all things through Christ who strengthens her. She wasn't an avid reader, but now finds herself writing a book in order to tell people about a dream God gave her nineteen years ago that drove her to success. God is still in the miracle business. Can one do that without a good education? Evidentially so, she has managed to do it with the help of her personal savior (Jesus). We can do all things.

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