Many believers harbor the notion that once they become saved and accept Jesus into their hearts and lives, their lives will become perfect. Many believers have not had the opportunity to cultivate a deeper understanding of the scriptures as they pertain to spiritual warfare. The spiritual fight is real, and the walk of a Christian is not an easy one.

In Spiritual Warfare and Discipleship Training, author Kenneth Holder equips the body of believers with Biblical tools to be effective on the field of battle. Spiritual warfare is all around you, and the fight rages on whether you accept it or not. You must first be cleansed and made ready for the fight ahead, then you will be able to stand firm.

Spiritual Warfare and Discipleship Training takes you through discipleship and equips you for the fight with topics such as: the benefits of deliverance, how prayer is a mighty weapon, keeping the temple clean to demon manifestation, and everything in between. Holder helps you understand how important and valuable you are to the kingdom of God and prepares you to be ready to serve the father with greatness.

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