This work explores a perennial question that Christians who are called to teach must consider: So what makes our teaching Christian? It considers the essential and distinctive elements of Christian teaching by examining the apostles' teaching ministry in the Book of Acts and aspects of Jesus's own teaching in the Gospel of John. It proposes how teaching in the name, spirit, and power of Jesus relates to the teaching ministries of Christians today. For example, an in-depth look at Jesus's teaching of both Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman known in Christian tradition as Photini provides insights for transformative teaching of both insiders and outsiders in a Christian community. This work is a theological, pastoral, and educational exploration of Christian teaching that has implications for both laity and clergy in their ministries. Robert W. Pazmino is Valeria Stone Professor of Christian Education at Andover Newton Theological School in Newton Centre, Massachusetts, where he has taught since 1986. He has also taught at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and other theological schools across the United States. He is the author of eight works including God Our Teacher: Theological Basics in Christian Education (2001), a third edition of Foundational Issues in Christian Education (2008), and Doing Theological Research: An Introductory Guide for Surviving and Thriving in Theological Education (2008).

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