What is our preconception about Muslims? Do we continue to practice medical missions in a way that is no longer considered an effective means of presenting the gospel to the unreached? Is our gospel message biblically balanced and firmly contextualized in the context that we try to serve? There are numerous questions that we may ask ourselves when we desire to share God's love with people who are still alienated from it. Christian cross-cultural missions should reconsider the strategies and attitudes that no longer reflect biblical principles. This book brings a lot of insightful thoughts and suggestions from the author's medical ministry experience in the Arab world to those who want to reach out to the unreached. The theology of shalom enables us to deeply understand God's ultimate purpose toward the world that he created and to devote our lives to bring people to his kingdom in the humble way that Jesus has presented throughout his life on earth when he was with us. This book demonstrates how Christian medical missions can be manifested in a more biblical way and can serve people who have been physically injured and emotionally broken more effectively.

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