As if in a hazy dream, I wandered about the place, studying my surroundings. Had I been here before? This place...this unfamiliar yet, familiar place, bore a startling resemblance to somewhere I had been before. Within its walls, was a stern but serene environment. The whole place had a macabre feel to it: Alluring and mesmerizing: yet, frightening at the same time. The question that weighed heavy on my mind was: Do I dare trust this place? Still, I felt as though I needed to escape. I needed an escape, so I ran with all my might to find the way out! I found a door; the only one around and gave it a quick shove. Out I went! I ran from the place with all the energy I could sequester from deep within myself. I hadn't much energy left, but I just knew I had to escape. But they stopped me and declared: "There is no way out.

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