God came to earth as an illegitimate child. Mary, his mother, was a human being, not a porcelain figure in a nativity scene with a halo. She was a young teenage Mediterranean woman who wanted to save herself for marriage. Then an angel told her she'd become pregnant by the Holy Spirit. This book intends to dismantle the fictitious Mary made in the image of religion. Rather, the human Mary of the Scriptures who gave God a body is the subject of this book. Mary was the mother of God, not the mother of the church. She is blessed without being divine, an ordinary girl who obeyed God and supernaturally delivered the Savior of the world. It is only a human Mary who can be accessible to the church as a model disciple of her son, Jesus Christ. Paul O. Bischoff is an independent Lutheran theologian who did his doctoral research on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's theology of the cross at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, with some study at the University of Chicago and at Oxford. He's taught Bonhoeffer at North Park Theological Seminary and internationally at seminaries in Ghana and Ecuador. He is the author of The Human Church (2018). He currently conducts adult forum seminars for local churches in the Chicago area. He lives in Wheaton with his wife, Jayne; they have four adult children and eight grandchildren.

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