Jack Tripper Stole My Dog is the comedic, existentialist journey about Ivan, a Russian-born taxi driver from Brooklyn and how he mismanaged the triumvirate of women in his life: his wife, his daughter, and his lover. His struggles are not much like your own -- his life included a long history of lying, cheating, gossiping, infidelity, hijinks, incest, war, John Lennon murder conspiracies, suicide attempts, a bizarre and sick love triangle, turmoil, redemption, personal reflection, torture, murder, revenge and more redemption. The characters are a mixture of scorned lovers, psycho stalkers, literate pugnacious lesbians, Bill Gates, serial killers, the KGB, canine tossing, an Ecstasy-popping Hollywood director, a drug-peddling Mossad Agent, trans-gender pornogrpahy, date rapists, the Russian mafia, nefarious hippie bands, more junkies and drunks that you can shake a stick at, trick-turning Catholic high school girls, Jesus Freaks, swinging Upper East Side housewives, Internet disinformation, a trannie hot dog vendor, a heroin-smuggling minister, and of course, the CIA.

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