The long-awaited, beloved Pope Francis' prayers for the ten most pressing issues the world is facing today, inspiring action to radically unify humanity in hope for a peaceful future

"The clock is ticking, all life is in danger, but we are on time...Let's take the first step and go to meet the other, the different. Let's put hands, mind and heart to work together. Let's change the world."--Pope Francis

In his most challenging and evocative book yet, I'm Asking in the Name of God is Pope Francis's reflections on ten vital issues the world is facing today. This unflinching and inspiring work celebrates the tenth anniversary since Francis' papal election and is an all-encompassing book of his hopes and dreams for the Church and the world.

Amongst other prayers, Pope Francis is asking in the name of God:

  • for a communication rejecting fake news and renouncing the language of hate
  • to put a stop to the madness of war
  • for the welcoming of migrants and refugees
  • for the eradication of the culture of abuse from within the Church

This isn't just a world leader's reflections on spirituality. I Am Asking in the Name of God is a wake-up call for all of humanity, a practical path toward unity, and a lighthouse of hope in the darkest of eras. Pope Francis' newest book will be a catalyst of change to usher in a new age of a world more beautiful that we can imagine.

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I Am Asking in the Name of God
October 2023

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