FAVOR IN BUSINESS In a world where success is predominately measured by how much money we have in the bank, the size of our financial portfolio, and how prestigious our lives are, there have been great American Entrepreneurs who have chosen to take the path less traveled - to be truly compassionate and giving. They risked judgement, ridicule, and their fortunes; but in doing so they realized they could never out give God. Author Saul Flores Jr. Brilliantly depicts in this book, Favor in Business, the incredible and encouraging stories of men and women who define what giving truly looks like, From William Colgate of the Colgate-Palmolive empire to Mary Kay of Mary Kay Cosmetics, 12 unique stories compiled from in-depth research and Biblical Scriptures grace the pages of the book to educate and bring awareness to what it means to be anointed to succeed in business. Favor in Business is uplifting, inspiring, and thought provoking. It gives new light on what it truly means to have faith and prosper because of it.

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