At the wedding altar, all of us envision our marriages as lifelong journeys with our ultimate companions. However, between work and kids we struggle to maintain a relationship that does not leave us feeling empty.

Lonely, isolated, hurt, and added pressure to meet daily obligations, our marriage relationship too often suffers. After a while, we find ourselves living in two different worlds. We wonder if we can ever experience the one flesh relationship that the Bible talks about.

God desires us to enter into an intimate and deep relationship with Him like that between a husband and a wife. His design of marriage is awesome, and He created marriage to reflect His love, unity, and desire for us to be restored.

But what do we change? What should our marriages look like? How do we refocus our hearts and attitudes toward each other?

Journey with us as we re-examine what God intended for marriage and pursue a path to renewal. Find healing along the way as you also examine your relationship with God and as you learn to love as husband and wife. Draw nearer to Him as a couple. Go from feeling empty to experiencing the fullness of life that God desires for us.

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