Rhonda Rivera seeks to dispel the "silent enemy" that is at war with Christians and President Donald J. Trump in this call to action.

While the enemy-Satan-is very silent, he is plaguing our nation. But by remaining faithful and staying strong in prayer, this enemy can be defeated and Trump's mission to bring prayer back to schools and society at large can be accomplished.

The author praises Trump for standing up for the unborn, noting that he's said on many occasions that every child is a gift from God. Trump said, "Together we must protect the sanctity of every human life, and when we glimpse the image of a baby in the womb, we glimpse the majesty of God's creation, and when we hold a newborn in our arms, we know the love that each newborn brings to a family."

The author's earnest prayer is to lead others to the understanding that it is the Lord alone who can rewrite history and keep us safe until His return. He is in this battle with us-and we will win.

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