Josh O'Conner, Kent Walters, Patsy and Penny Holt, and Eleanor Marlowe find themselves required to make choices between traditional beliefs and radical new trends in American life. The nation is in the throes of a depression, and there is a great divide among its people between the wealthy and the soup kitchen dependents. The youth of that generation find themselves searching for direction, and each must find his own way.

However, these young people have the advantage of godly families and biblical counsel. When disaster strikes, the Holt twins and Kent find that God is real and in everything. They find that He can be trusted with their very lives. Eleanor Marlowe, after a rebellious, unsatisfying search, finds a reason for living in carrying on the family tradition of service to those less fortunate than she. And Josh meets the girl of his dreams as he serves the Lord in counseling youth.

For those who were young in the thirties, this story will be a nostalgic journey. For young people to whom the thirties are the olden days, they will find that these young people are much like themselves. For everyone, the story will present anew the challenges of faith in our day.

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